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Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Thankful Heart

I honestly try to be thankful for the things I have been blessed with everyday. It's really hard though. Especially when life is throwing you a thousand curve balls all at once. But I decided to sit down and list out some things I am thankful for in honor of this beautiful Thanksgiving season.

I am thankful for...

...a God who loves me no matter what. Even when I don't deserve it. Even when I don't think I need it. 

...a supportive, loving, Godly, and devoted set of parents. I look around sometimes and see peers who come from broken homes and I can't even imagine what it feels like to go home and have to split time between parents or not know a parent at all. I am grateful for my amazing parents.

...a sister who is more than a sister, a sister who is my very best friend. Yeah we argue sometimes and hurt each others feelings, but I'll be danged if she ain't the best person I know. 

...friends who support and love me even when I'm grumpy or just downright ridiculous. Thanks for putting up with the crazy. chocolate. No seriously this stuff is the greatest thing ever. Especially the packets with the colored marshmallows. HEAVEN! Yes, I'm 5 years old. Sue me.

...the opportunity to pursue my dreams in dance.

...FOOTBALL! Need I say more?

...animals, because who doesn't love puppies and other fluffy things? little space on the interwebz. Even though I neglect it more than I love on it, I enjoy being able to come here and write whatever my heart desires.

...the people who actually read this little blog of mine. Really. I appreciate it.

...a place to live. This is a big one for me right now. Especially after what happened in the Philippines. Never take your house for granted or anything in it.

...the arts because they have always been there when I needed to get something out without words. Preesh.

...clothes. Like seriously. Could you imagine if we still walked around nakey? It's too cold where I live for all that mess. Plus, I am definitely not confident enough for all that.

...chapstick. Always there when the wind blows too much.

...the military people who fight to keep my freedom. I respect you more than you know.

...for leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants. You know for those days when for when everyday is too much of a struggle to put on real pants. Always saving the day.

So I think that's all for random musings today peeps. I don't know when I'll be back (just being honest) but I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday full of massive amounts of food. Put aside your familial differences today and hug everyone's neck. Happy Thanksgiving.

Keep it classy, Carly ♥

Friday, November 1, 2013

Though my flesh will fail...

I'm not going to apologize for not writing in like forever and a day because I'm not really all that sorry. I am a college student and I have a life and sometimes it gets in the way. I will admit that I have so very much missed writing. In fact, there have been times where I have sat down in front of this very computer to write something and my brain and heart have just been so full that I can't seem to get the words onto the page coherently. But today I am going to stick with it until I can get this out. If I don't get it out, it will just continue to weigh me down. So here goes nothing...


Do you ever feel like life has a sick sense of humor? Like everything happens all at once? And what's worse you knew it was going to happen all along but you refused to admit it? Yeah, you too? Thought so. Well welcome to my life currently...well sorta. Let me explain. Remember when I talked about changing my major? Don't freak out. I am still overjoyed and content with my decision. I know I made the right one. Granted some days are hard since I'm so out of practice. Bright side? Found out at my advising meeting Thursday that I'll have a whole extra year instead of just an extra semester to get more practice. Yes there was some frustration and sarcasm behind that. Ladies and gents, I am frustrated. 

Frustrated because I hate finding things out like this seemingly last minute, seeing as I register for the spring semester on Tuesday morning and still have no plan as to what I'm taking. Yikes. I'm frustrated because I have to find a place to live for a whole extra year with different people since my roommates will all be gone by May. Also frustrated because said living space can't be more expensive than the one the parental are already paying for. Frustrated because the reason why it can't be more expensive is that I will be going over the allotted hours for a four year degree causing my tuition to increase and the parentals pay that as well. Frustrated because I know I did this to myself and I don't know how this is all going to work out. 

I did this to myself. I put myself in this situation. I know that. I know I should have been a dance major from the beginning. These things, I know them. My body is so out of shape from 4 years of not dancing everyday and working out and eating better. It makes me so angry because I want my dancing to be perfect. Well not perfect but more like it used to be. I am so frustrated. But my body's memory of dance is alarming though. It's like it knows what to do and how but it just doesn't have the strength like it used to. 

So I guess you could say that having to stay a whole extra year is a blessing because when I graduate with the degree I will have more experience and I'll be a better dancer. But y'all this is not how I pictured my life going. Not at all. I was going to graduate in four years with a marketable degree, get a big girl job, get my own place, etc. Well hello world, that's not happening now is it? No. The answer is no its not. 

In fact I don't even know what tomorrow will hold. But you know what? I know WHO holds tomorrow. Yes that was cliche and no I don't care because it's true. The Lord has me in His hand and I know all I need to do is draw near to Him. But daggum if that ain't harder than 5 consecutive turns on pointe y'all. However that's a post for another day. I really don't know what this post was supposed to be about or anything but hey, I feel better. So enjoy your day and weekend. I'll be back sometime.

"My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever." Psalm 73:26

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Funny Things

Hello my beautiful people. I know I have been absent for a while and for that I am truly sorry. Believe me I have been wanting to sit down and write about a million things but its so hard to find the time. When I do find the time I'm so exhausted that I don't even want to move let alone write for two hours. Just being honest here.

I'm very picky about my writing. I like for it be perfect and unrushed. I can't tell you how many unfinished posts I have saved in drafts on Blogger. They haven't been published because they aren't up to my standards or they seem to be missing something that I can't quite figure out. I'm saying all of that to say this: I beg of you, please hang in there with me. I promise it'll get better. I love this little blog and one day, when I can afford it, I want to grow it. I want this to be a completely honest and safe place for me to write and for people to feel comfortable reading and responding to me. Just give me time.

That being said. I am actually going to write a full post today. In fact, its time for another installment of the funny things that go on in my apartment. If you missed the first post like this, you can find it here.

Let me start by saying I am truly blessed to be able to be living with these amazing girls for the second year in row. They are my family and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Also they are pretty freaking hilarious. Let me share with you some more recent hilarious things that have happened since the last post.

So last time I did this, I featured mostly Mackenzie because its usually me and her that are the ones chilling around the apartment. Well, this time I am proud to bring you more sayings by Kenz but also some hilarious things that Sarah Beth or SB has said. If you don't laugh at these things, you need to go get your funny bone checked. Like seriously.

Sarah Beth, me, Mackenzie
Let's start with Mackenzie. So one night, me and Kenz are chilling on the couch and this annoying thing keeps popping up on my computer so finally I say something about it. The following conversation happens and yes guys, she went there.

Me: UGH! I'm tired of this thing popping up.
Kenz: That's what he said.

Kenz and I have this habit of SnapChatting each other while we are in the same room. I mean like we get serious about it y'all, complete with pillows to hide the horrendous pictures we send each other. (SnapChat post coming soon maybe? Stay tuned.) So we are having one of those nights where we decide it is more fun to SnapChat each other than it is to talk and the following happens:

*send Kenz a SnapChat*
Kenz: You're nose looks huge!
Me: Oh my gosh, it does!
Kenz: Like a big bratwurst.
Oh gee thanks Kenz... 

I'm actually not sure what the context of this conversation was, but it still makes me laugh.

Kenz: Two in one day. We're on a roll.
Me: If that's what you wanna call it.
Kenz: Fine. We're on a biscuit. Is that better?

And the last thing from Kenz is probably one of my favorite things she's ever said to me. 

Kenz: They say smoke follows beauty, maybe farts do too.

So yeah that's Kenz for ya. I love her to death. She definitely always makes me laugh. I can't believe she will be getting married in like FOUR MONTHS! AHHHH! But anyway let's see some of the crazy things that SB has said. She is the queen of one liners so I'm just going to throw them at y'all. Enjoy.

You can lick your neighbor. 

Laughing out your butthole over there.

I peed so hard I laughed my pants.

Clearly I have some hilarious roommates. I love them both dearly. Well, I'm officially on fall break now. So I'm going to continue to lay around and do nothing. I hope you all have a fabulous day. 

All my love, Carly ♥